Courses in English, Initiation courses

Le bois EN • Understanding, identifying and buying wood

Wood knowledge

This course will help you to understand wood physics (density, grain orientation, moisture level, etc.) and to identify more than ten native wood species. You will learn how to recognize the main defects in material and how to calculate board feet (the wood measurement for a piece of lumber).

The goal of this course is to equip yourself to identify and purchase your own wood, which is a very useful source of information for your future projects. Each person will receive an identification set of wooden planks, presenting the ten most common species.

Theoretical courses

  • Presentations and demonstrations by the teacher
  • Technical exercises and making of an object/piece of furniture by the participants


Prerequisites for the course

Level 1 course – No prerequisites

Number of sessions

1 session

Training duration

6 hours


195 $ + txs

Group 1

Saturday February 8th 2025, 9 AM To 4 PM

Course plan

Equipment used
  • Wood samples
  • Books
Concepts taught
  • Wood physics
  • Wood species identification
  • Wood characteristics
  • Calculating and purchasing wood
Materials and equipment provided
  • Course notebook
  • Wood samples
Equipment to bring


Schedule for the Wood knowledge course

Day 1
  • Presentation and course objectives
  • Trees and wood : the basics
  • How to identify wood species : characteristics to observe
  • Indigenous species : characteristics and usage
  • Milling and drying logs
  • Selecting and calculating your wood needs
  • Purchasing from a supplier

Woodworking training programs

This course is part of two programs bringing together a series of courses that allow progressive and in-depth learning of cabinetmaking techniques.


Unless otherwise specified, ÉÉAM general public courses are only open to people 18 years of age and older.

As openness and inclusion are essential values for the ÉÉAM, the school strives to accommodate everyone who is interested in cabinetmaking. If you live with a functional limitation and have questions regarding your ability to attend training, please contact us to discuss.